posted Feb 18, 2025, 12:00 PM
LOTTERY tickets are due in! Over $5000 in Prizes to be won!
First draw will be held Tuesday Feb. 18th due to inclement weather on the Monday Feb.17th.
More draws to be held on March 17th & April if you have NOT handed in your tickets, get them in for the these. You can not win some of our amazing prizes if you do not hand in your tickets!!
Feb.17th - Moirs Skate Shop (sharpenings), Gnosh Restaurant dining cards, Starbucks Cards
Mar. 17th - Weekend Passes for our ICE Show, Starbucks Cards
April 6th - One free Skating Session for the 2025 Winter Season, Ear Buds, MAC's Summer Camp week, Nintendo Switch, XBox, iPad or $1500 Cash
EARLY BIRD - Feb. 17th Draw Winners
4 STARBUCKS Card $25 each :
#6556 Shannon Oke
#5522 Pam Schlotzhauer
#10158 Brandon Brillon
#7565 Amber Sarkany
2 GNOSH Restaurant Gift card $250 each:
#4911 Bruce Griffin
#6107 Joan Ang
MOIRS SKATE SHOP $200 Gift Card :
#5417 Rob Zaleski