Support Our Skaters!
We offer fundraising for our skaters to help offset the costs associated with the sport. We are very appreciative of all support for our skaters and the ICE Ignite program!2024-2025 Skating Club Lottery Draw - LIST of WINNERS
-Lottery License #843385-
February 17, 2025 – EARLY BIRD #1 WINNING TICKETS
4 STARBUCKS cards $25 each:
#6556 Shannon Oke
#5522 Pam Schlotzhauer
#10158 Brandon Brillon
#7565 Amber Sarkany
2 GNOSH Restaurant Gift cards $250 each:
#4911 Bruce Griffin
#6107 Joan Ang
MOIRS SKATE SHOP $200 Gift Card:
#5417 Rob Zaleski